
瞧~ 当葡萄酒遇上愚人节一切看起来都那么自然 Jokers Wild | Choice April Fool’s Wine

Jim Boyce CHEERSWines 2022-08-17

April Fool's Day X Wines

你晓得不,明天就是愚人节了!某种程度上大家对愚人节可谓 “爱恨交加” 。这是一个起源不明的一年一度的玩笑盛会。它至少可以追溯到文艺复兴时期,也可能追溯到古罗马时期。

People tend to either love or hate April Fool’s Day, an annual joke-fest with unclear origins. It dates at least to the Renaissance and maybe to Ancient Rome.

Gif 来源:giphy.com

1983年,波士顿大学的一位历史教授声称,这要从一个名叫Kugel的宫廷小丑——也就是 “傻瓜” ——当了一天国王开始。

In 1983, a Boston University professor of history claimed it started when a court jester named Kugel – the “fool” – became king for a day.

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Oops, that last story was an April Fool’s joke itself, with the creative professor using the name of a noodle casserole – kugel – to trick some major US media!

Gif 来源:giphy.com


Anyway, plenty of April Fool’s jokes feature wine and here are some choice ones.

另外,别忘了,CHEERS将于本周五(愚人节)举办一场 “笑话大战” 活动。地点。详情见海报。

Also, don’t forget CHEERS will host a four-team “Bad Jokes Battle” this Friday – April Fool’s Day! – at the . See poster for details.




We’ve heard of wine with leather aromas but Sonoma County winery Jordan took things a few steps – or dribbles – further.


In 2019, the winery announced it was not only releasing its 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon but also a limited Air Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon sneaker.

Photo from 图源:jordanwinery.com

这款鞋以葡萄酒为中心的特色包括浸透了赤霞珠的皮革、软木中底和可拆卸的开瓶器,以及 “在酒窖中浸泡了12个月的鞋垫,以确保这款鞋闻起来永远像一家精致的法国餐厅。”

The shoe’s wine-centric features included Cabernet-infused leather, cork midsoles and a detachable corkscrew, plus “inserts marinated in coq au vin for 12 months to ensure the shoes always smell like a fine French restaurant.”

Oh, and they were to be delivered in a small oak barrel.


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Vino To Go


Carrying a hundred glasses worth of wine in your pocket seemed a reality in 2020 when London-based wine business Borough Wines announced its VinoCapsule.

“水真的可以变成酒,” 这是广告语。“坐好,戴上帽子。”

“Water really can be turned into wine,” was the tagline. “Sit back and pop a cap.”

Photo from 图源:pexels


Just one tiny capsule of powder and 125 ml of water would have made grabbing a glass possible pretty much anywhere!

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Gentleman in a Bottle?


This one happened a bit before April Fool’s Day but deserves a mention.


In 1749, a theater in London offered an unprecedented show, which included a conjurer squeezing himself into a wine bottle and singing.

Photo from 图源:londonist.com

显然,一位公爵和一位伯爵打赌说 “伦敦会有足够的傻瓜来装满一个剧场” 。 

Apparently, a Duke had bet an Earl that there would be "fools enough in London to fill a playhouse."

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而当魔术师没有出现时,那些花了很多钱来看表演的人们开始怒不可遏: “暴躁的人们一拥而上,毁坏了座椅和长凳,并开始拆除所有能看到的东西。”

He was right. And when the conjurer did not appear, those fools – who had paid good money for a show – were furious: "The mob rose en masse, tore up the seats and benches, and proceeded to demolish everything in sight."

Gif 来源:giphy.com

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最后,Jim的个人网站Grape Wall 葡萄围城在往年的愚人节也发布了很多帖子,其中一款新酒融合了法国著名品牌拉菲和中国武术两大传奇。

Finally, my own site Grape Wall 葡萄围城 has done plenty of April Fool's posts over the years, including one about a new wine that blended two legends -- famous French brand Lafite and Chinese martial arts.

Chateau LaFight酒标上有彩色的头带,表示里面散装葡萄酒的来源——白色的头带代表保加利亚,蓝色的头带代表智利,黑色的头带代表澳大利亚。 

Chateau LaFight featured colored belts on the neck labels to indicate where the bulk wine inside was sourced – a white belt meant Bulgaria, a blue one meant Chile and a black one from Australia.


The wine was said to have quite a “kick.” But don’t expect to find this one in your local CHEERS shop.

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Original by Jim Boyce, Grape Wall of China 葡萄围城
原文作者:Jim Boyce, Grape Wall of China 葡萄围城

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哒哒哒 彩蛋来了



这是一款自然酒由60%的梅洛、 20%的希拉和20%的紫大夫三种葡萄混酿而成。

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